In Packet Attack, you must carefully create your wave of malicious packets to bypass defending turret-chips. Deeznutsem

This game has 5 hand-crafted levels -- levels 4 and 5 are hard.

For the best experience, please wear headphones.


In Packet Attack, you must carefully create your wave of malicious packets to bypass defending turret-chips on each level. Only one packet needs to make it past the turrets to successfully deliver the payload and beat the level. Do you have what it takes to breach these systems?


Chase (cha5m) and Ollie (ollie_d) created this game from scratch in 48 hours for GMTK 23: Role Reversal. All assets and code were created during the jam with the exception of the font and audio samples, which were included in Ableton Live Intro and (we believe) were sufficiently modified to count as original works.

Below is a list of highlighted specific contributions, although this is not exhaustive and in reality most aspects were iterated on by both of us.


  • Level Design, Game Design, Graphics Programming, Gameplay Programming, VFX


  • Music & Sound Design, Game Design, UI Programming, Graphics, Web


  • Godot 4.0.3
  • Gimp
  • Google Slides (99% of the art was made with this)
  • Ableton 11 Live Intro
  • Audacity

We also made heavy use of the font Bebas Neue Ryoichi Tsunekawa.


Huge thanks to Luna for gameplay testing!

Tutorial (Optional)

(Click to Show)

This game should be self explanatory which is why we didn't include a tutorial within the game. However, for those confused, this section might be useful.

After pressing the "Play" button, you will enter the first level. You'll see turrets on the level. These are not your turrets, they're controlled by AI. Your goal is to create a wave of enemies that can make it past the turrets.

You can create your wave by clicking on the hammer button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. In this menu, you have a limited amount of gold that you can use to purchase different "packets." There are three classes of packets, each with different speeds, healths, and costs, which are described in the UI. You can click on them to buy and if you want to sell, you can click on any individual member of the wave.

Once you have completed your wave, click the "Execute" button. This will start the procedure of launching each packet, one by one, until all of your packets die or one of them reaches the end.

If you realize that you have no hope in a level, we suggest clicking the "Reset" button in the lower-right corner to save some time!

That should be everything you need to know. If you're still confused, the comments likely have useful information. Please let us know how we can improve this tutorial in there as well if things were not clear.

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